hey y'all!
Many things have been happening in my life lately and the most of you propably knows what Im talking about. I'll give ya something more to read about later. Right now: A early dinner with Nick and mum. See yah!

its a bad weather, its a warm cardigan. its dinner!
Oh right!

Sorry guys
I've been to London and New York this week, for the premier of the Hannah Montana movie, I'll give you guys some pictures later. Right now, Im at home chilling with my little sister Noah and Im waiting on Justin so that we can go eating by the restaurant.

Me and Noah about 3 months ago :)
Premier of Hannah Montana in Rome


This is us right now =) Oh and by the way, the paparazzi just mailed the pictures from the premier so Im gonna put them here in the next post! Xoxo, Miley, Justin and Sarah!
Me and my boyfriend Justin Gaston visiting Mr.Chow, (restaurant.)
Me and my ex-boyfriend, now just a friend, Nick Jonas going to the audition.
Really guys, don't ever become famous! I promise, this is not fun at all. In the beginning: yes, because I get publicity, but now, it's just to much and It's really hard to handle. Give me some privacy huh?!
A book written on my lifehistory, peoples meaning something to me and stuffs I really need to go through. How I became the person I am today, and all my troubles my life is giving me. An autobiography of me, Miley Cyrus.

Mandy here, sup with you guys?
Eeelooo america, and sweden, lol x) Mandy here, Mileys bff :) We are watching tv and dancing in front of Mileys boyfriend Justin, it's fun lolll :D The dark-hair girl in the last post is me, yupp haha :)
Okay guys, help us, pyjama party tonight, wich ones are we going to invite? Justin is getting the h*ll out of here very very soon cause this is going to be a girl-pyjama-party! Miley's not sucha glad about that idea, but, hey? A boy at a girl-party, no uhh ... Hah, okey we'll se, maybe, just because Miley is doing the puppy-face :P But hey, what do you think about, Demi, Selena, my sister and Miles sis? HELP US! :D:D
Miley was really pretty in dark hair!! Agree with that! :D
Mandy and Miley and Justin, amazing!

Me and Mandy right now, xoxo <3
The day off

Tomorrow, I have a really importand repetition for a ''disneychanel-cd'', playing Hannah Montana songs, Nick are going to be there to and we decided to go there together, it's gonna be really fun and Justin is going to pick me up when Im done, so that we can go and eat some brunch, the whole repetition is expected to conclude around 2. Updating, yes I lied, Rome was the destination!

Me and Justin right now =) Xoxo, Miles and Justin :)
Something I can't stand!
It's me and Justin just simply taking a rest at a caffeteria in L.A down the mall. Why are they so obsessed taking those pictures? And then complaining on those goofy faces me and my friends make .. Wow, they really are anoyinng! Dont ever become famous guys!
My boyfriend, Justin Gaston
Question: Arent you a littel bit tired of all girls hanging around Justin, I mean, he is a really hot boy and everyone thinks the same. Isn't it a littel bit anoying when you think of the way that he is yours?
Answers: So many questions about Justin huh? Well, im gonna be honest right now. It's a little bit annoying when girls at the mall screams like I-dont-know-what and whispering about us when they see that I am with him. It's like I am their enemy, a little bit unconfotable, that's the right thing to say about it.
But at the other side, I know that Justin wouldn't just trade me off to another simply girl that ''loves'' him, he told me already, that the girl haves to be something special, a talent, something unique, and that I am the most wonderful person he ever met. That words make me feel good inside, and it makes me think of that ''I am worth someone like him, this is my chanse and I wont blew it, keep on fighting for this Miles''. We are something unique and special together, we love eachother more than just normal teenagers do. Yeah, I know, its a quite big agedifference between us, 21 and 16, but when it comes to love, it doesn't matter for me, either thinks Justin.
Knowing my boyfriend is really a hot boy is a great feeling! ;) And a underwear-model, it doesn't matter, what's up with that? Nothing matter when it comes to love!
My boyfriend is a sexbomb, you'll have to learn live with it. This picture may be a little bit to ''sexy'' for you younger guys, but I can do nothing about it, it's my boyfriend and the way he is, for GODS SAKE! Xoxo. Miles! ;)
A short story about me and Justin
Question: What does your parents think about that you are dating a older guy, also a undie-model? I mean, are'nt they worried about you? How old is he?
Answer: Firstable, Im not dating Justin, he and I are a couple, a official couple. We've never been dating! At the beginning, we were just friends and we met eachother at my dads audition to his band, Justin came there and the break called, that was when we met for the first time. He stopped by my vip couch where me and my friend Mandy sat, and we started to talk, about everything, he seemed so nice and fun so I gave him my number when he asked for it. At the end of the day, he called me and asked if I wanted to eat dinner with him, my answer was yes and I told my dad that I was going to meet a friend - He didn't believe me, so I told him the truth, it was Justin and my daddy wasnt glad about the idea, but he let me out. We ate and we cykled down to the mall, and were just hanging out as two friends. - Thats how it started. And thats the way of how it was in the beginning, we were taking rides with his car, going to cinema and taking turns inviting eachother to our houses. Finally, my dad was starting to feel confortable with Justin, and my mum also did. From that day, we've officially became a couple and Justin stopped by the night, we were singing karaoke with the family and they all started to see Justin as more then just a normal guy-friend, they accepted him and they like him. He's 21 years old and he got license for everything, he's taking care about me as a boyfriend takes care of his girlfriend. So, my parents are not worried about me in any way, we always come home in the right time, and we're never fighting, there's no signs of something bad! I love my boyfriend more than just a friend, and I personally think this is love. I dont care what the starmagazines are writing about our relationchip, me and him is the only ones that knows how it really is! I dont feel afraid of some girl taking him away from me, he is a true guy and he would never let something like that happen to me!

Do you think I look thin on this picture? .. Well, my sister does ..
Blogs and once again, blogs

There is many asking me why Im not bloging so often in my mileycyrus.com blog. Well, I have an answer. That page was from the beginning my official webbsite, no blog and no other funny stuffs. Im not running the page, my manager do. Then, my friend and I came up with an idea to create a little ''miblog'', and we asked my manager if that was possible to do, yes it was, and we sure made it. My mum joined the blog and now its our little diary. But, I have been doing so many other things that the blog has been coming on the last front, and the same to my mother, she doesnt even like to write there anymore, I guess shes to old for stuffs like that. Then as I told you, my swedish friend made me get this blog and I will try to make this site as my official blog, also avaible for my american friends and fans. So there you go, my answer! I hope you'll enyoy this!